If this sounds a little condescending, I’m sure you’ll forgive me – I got to assume you know next to nothing about Talking Heads. In many ways, their unique sound sculpted the late 70’s/early 80’s pop music into that New Wave sound – simplifying and stripping away the wall of sound into the punky parts, then re-assembling it – during their “Stop Making Sense” period – into something danceable that wasn’t disco. Cool but not pop culture.
I’m assuming you missed the “Stop Making Sense” tour, so check out Talking Heads at their most popular:
So it should be no surprise that Talking Heads is a huge influence to what I’m doing, musically. And about the time I was wrapping up “I’m Not“, the remaster of the “Stop Making Sense” film was being premiered. Which brought about this next song, “Happy Place”. Looking back on it now, it’s as if I tried to push all of the “Speaking In Tongues” album into one Brothers Burn song. Not sure I succeeded. Judge for yourself and let me know?